Questionnaire content
The Quality of Working Life Systemic Inventory consists of questions pertaining to 34 areas of working life, grouped into eight different spheres:
- Compensation
- Income
- Fringe benefits
- Income security
- Career growth
- Advancement possibilities
- Possibility of transfer
- Continuing education and training offered by the company
- Working hours
- The effect of the number of working hours and work schedule on the employee’s health
- Flexibility of the work schedule
- Possibility of being absent from work for family responsibilities
- Relationship with colleagues
- Sense of belonging to the company
- Degree or level of competition felt at work
- Relations with peers at work
- Degree of conflict between the tasks of one employee with those of others.
- Relationship with superiors
- Interactions with the superior
- Interactions with the superior and his or her employees
- Interactions with the employer or the management
- Frequency and relevance of employee evaluation and comments related to the work done
- Efficiency with which information (memos, instructions, action plan, etc.) is transmitted internally within the company.
- Physical environment
- Work space (noise, lighting, cleanliness, etc.)
- Equipment and tools available to carry out work
- Support offered to employee
- Filling in for absences
- Sharing of workload caused by the absence of one or more employees
- Facilities: Daycare, access to restaurants, parking, etc.
- Relationship with the union
- Resources to help employees
- Factors that influence the appreciation of tasks
- Efficiency at work
- Time taken to accomplish tasks
- Match between skills and the nature of tasks to be accomplished.
- Independence of the employee in carrying out tasks.
- Diversity of tasks
- Emotional burden
- Physical requirements
- Influence that employee has on decisions concerning the tasks assigned.
- Clarity of the role that the employee plays within the organization in relation to the tasks to be accomplished.