Quality of life
Would you like to assess your quality of life in general? The quality of life systemic inventory was developed for this purpose.
This questionnaire covers 28 areas of personal life, grouped into eight different spheres:
- Physical health
- Sleep
- Physical abilities
- Eating habits
- Physical pain
- Overall health
- Work
- Type of work
- Efficiency at work
- Interactions with colleagues
- Interactions with employees
- Salary
- Unpaid activities
- Emotional life
- Self-esteem
- Morale
- Peace of mind
- Spirituality
- Spiritual and religious life
- Spiritual and religious activities
- Leisure
- Relaxation
- Physical activities
- Outings
- Social environment
- Relations with children
- Relations with family
- Relations with friends
- Household chores
- Domestic work
- House repairs
- Cognition
- Memory
- Attention/concentration
- Couple
- Relationship
- Sexual relations
The Quality of Life Systemic Inventory (QLSI©) is meant specifically for individuals. When used together with the QWLSI©, it enables the reciprocal influence that the quality of working life and the quality of life in general have on each other to be assessed.
It can also be used on its own to assess the effects of a health problem (mental or physical) or an intervention on an individual’s general quality of life.
The “tutorial” tab in the menu bar offers a short tutorial to help you clearly understand how the questionnaire works.
Although the example given in the tutorial is based on the Quality of Working Life Systemic Inventory (QWLSI©), all the explanations provided are also valid for the Quality of Life Systemic Inventory (QLSI©). Both questionnaires are completed in the same manner and only the areas of life addressed are different.